Friday 19 August 2016

15th August is gone and perhaps thought is also gone. part-b

Hello friends, Welcome back, as we talked yesterday about various problems a common man is having in this country, today we will try to find out some reasons for the same. I think the major problem of most of the people is lack of self-respect, now some of may disagree with me but the truth is we are having a huge 'ego' not self-respect. Here we'll have to understand difference between these two terms. ego is something that is your own false perception about you for example you are a student rather a good student and when your teacher scolds you in front of whole class for your mistake you get angry and if you cannot reply him due to rules and regulations you curse him inside.
While self respect as the name suggests is the proud one is having for his true qualities. In the above stated case if the student is having a bit of self respect not ego and teacher is scolding him for a reason he will accept it and tries to not repeat it in future. And it is very obvious to conclude from the above definitions that only a person having self respect can respect others because he respects someone for his qualities not for any random reasons and that is from where foundation of great personality is laid.
Another major issue is 'selfishness'. In this era, every one is so selfish that he is not having time even to talk to their parents what to say of others. people are so self-oriented that they want their own profit at any cost. for example if you are travelling in a local bus of city and the fare is 14 rupees, but the conductor ask you to give 10 rupees and does not give you ticket, thus earning 10 rupees illegally but you are very satisfied because you saved 4 rupees of yours but you didn't thought of govt.'s loss which is of Rs.14. So that's the thing, only thinking about ourselves makes us such a person that when we forgot our parents, relatives, society, country, we don't get to know. We just live to show off , we just work hard to fill our stomach and lockers and do not give back to society. This scenario needs to be changed if we want to make this world a better place to live. I will be back with some new problems in next post until then......keep thinking...
                 मेरे देश की धरती सोना उगले उगले हीरे मोती
              मेरे देश की धरती
              ये बाग़ हैं गौतम नानक का खिलते हैं अमन के फूल यहाँ
              गांधी, सुभाष, टैगोर, तिलक ऐसे हैं चमन के फूल यहाँ
              रंग हरा हरिसिंह नलवे से रंग लाल है लाल बहादुर से
              रंग बना बसंती भगतसिंह रंग अमन का वीर जवाहर से

              मेरे देश की धरती सोना उगले उगले हीरे मोती
              मेरे देश की धरती

                                               - गुलशन बावरा

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