Friday 26 August 2016

Why Don’t We Respect The Police Like We Do The Indian Army?

The Indian Army stands for staunch nationalism and patriotic pride, at least to some extent for all of us. They represent a selfless love for one's country that can be matched by little else. One could say that the Indian Police Force stands for similar ideals, but for some reason, they do not seem to command the same respect, let alone awe, from the people of the country.That is because the average Indian doesn't interact with the Army on a regular basis and look at them as doing great service to the nation by defending our borders whereas most people would interact with the Police on a regular basis and more or less have a fair idea about their misdeeds.
Ask people in states like J&K or Manipur about their opinion on the army, they wouldn't be so defensive I think it's also because of good PR. You see the army jumping in to the rescue whenever there is a disaster. Media covers this exclusively. I don't remember a media post along the lines of 'Police helping disaster victims...'
Most of us see the army as the last line of defense. If you hear about the police men being killed in the line of duty as regularly as you hear about the army then people would have a softer spot for the police too. Also most of the people complaining about the army excesses aren't spotless characters themselves. So it is easy for people to dismiss them as separatists or something else.Do the officers of the police force deserve the reputation they have? Do we perhaps tend to glorify the army more than they deserve? We should ponder over it

Tuesday 23 August 2016

And here is our new RBI governor Urjit patel

RBI's Deputy Governor Urjit Patel was appointed as the next Governor of the central bank after Raghuram Rajan demits office on September 4.
52-year-old Patel has been appointed as new RBI Governor, official sources said.
He was first appointed as Deputy Governor for three years in January 2013 and was given an extension this January.
Patel has been known as 'inflation warrior' of Rajan, who made a surprise announcement in June that he would return to academia after end of his current three-year tenure
In recent months, Rajan has come under attack from some quarters, including BJP's Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy, for what they call his reluctance to lower interest rates and giving priority to inflation control.
Prior to his appointment as the Deputy Governor at RBI in 2013, Patel was advisor (Energy and Infrastructure) with Boston Consulting Group, while he has also worked with Reliance Industries in the past.
Patel, born on October 28, 1963, received his doctorate in economics from Yale University in 1990) and M Phil from Oxford (1986).
He has worked with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) between 1990 and 1995 covering the US, India, Bahamas and Myanmar desks.
Urjit Patel will take over the charge from Rajan after he demits the office on September 4. He will be the eighth Deputy Governor to be made Governor at RBI.
Hindsight is always 20 20 and it is difficult to escape the impression that the soft-spoken, incredibly low-profile, Kenyan-born Urjit Patel is a perfect fit as RBI governor for prime minister Narendra Modi as he embarks on the last three crucial years of his first term. Dr Patel has all the qualities that Mr Modi cherishes and admires in ministers and government officials; intellectual gravitas, a publicity-shy nature, workaholism and a laser-like focus on fighting and curbing inflation, one of the significant policy achievement of the 28-month-old Modi government.

Outgoing governor Raghuram Rajan has been credited with curbing inflation, for preparing a monetary policy framework that squarely put inflation in cross-hairs and laid the foundation for institutionalisation of monetary policy. For years, RBI's inflation fighting efforts have suffered from confused thinking, misplaced priorities and a general reluctance to appear too hawkish on the rates front for fear of incurring the wrath of the political and business establishment. One of the biggest achievements of Rajan was that he buried such pigeon hearted thinking and took the battle to interest rate-cut-wallahs and crony capitalists with gusto. 

Friday 19 August 2016

15th August is gone and perhaps thought is also gone. part-b

Hello friends, Welcome back, as we talked yesterday about various problems a common man is having in this country, today we will try to find out some reasons for the same. I think the major problem of most of the people is lack of self-respect, now some of may disagree with me but the truth is we are having a huge 'ego' not self-respect. Here we'll have to understand difference between these two terms. ego is something that is your own false perception about you for example you are a student rather a good student and when your teacher scolds you in front of whole class for your mistake you get angry and if you cannot reply him due to rules and regulations you curse him inside.
While self respect as the name suggests is the proud one is having for his true qualities. In the above stated case if the student is having a bit of self respect not ego and teacher is scolding him for a reason he will accept it and tries to not repeat it in future. And it is very obvious to conclude from the above definitions that only a person having self respect can respect others because he respects someone for his qualities not for any random reasons and that is from where foundation of great personality is laid.
Another major issue is 'selfishness'. In this era, every one is so selfish that he is not having time even to talk to their parents what to say of others. people are so self-oriented that they want their own profit at any cost. for example if you are travelling in a local bus of city and the fare is 14 rupees, but the conductor ask you to give 10 rupees and does not give you ticket, thus earning 10 rupees illegally but you are very satisfied because you saved 4 rupees of yours but you didn't thought of govt.'s loss which is of Rs.14. So that's the thing, only thinking about ourselves makes us such a person that when we forgot our parents, relatives, society, country, we don't get to know. We just live to show off , we just work hard to fill our stomach and lockers and do not give back to society. This scenario needs to be changed if we want to make this world a better place to live. I will be back with some new problems in next post until then......keep thinking...
                 मेरे देश की धरती सोना उगले उगले हीरे मोती
              मेरे देश की धरती
              ये बाग़ हैं गौतम नानक का खिलते हैं अमन के फूल यहाँ
              गांधी, सुभाष, टैगोर, तिलक ऐसे हैं चमन के फूल यहाँ
              रंग हरा हरिसिंह नलवे से रंग लाल है लाल बहादुर से
              रंग बना बसंती भगतसिंह रंग अमन का वीर जवाहर से

              मेरे देश की धरती सोना उगले उगले हीरे मोती
              मेरे देश की धरती

                                               - गुलशन बावरा

Thursday 18 August 2016

15th August is gone and perhaps thought is also gone. part-a

Dear friends, as we all know every year we celebrate our independence day on 15th august, this year we celebrated 70th anniversary of our independence. On the day most news papers were having pages filled with patriotic material, T.V. channels were telecasting stories of freedom fighters, Radio channels were playing patriotic songs etc. Our pride, tricolor was waving over many buildings. People changed their profile pictures, status etc. on social media and what not. But it has been 4 days since independence day and seems like everything is over. Tricolor is not seen on top of buildings with some exceptions, profile pictures have been changed, no-patriotic feelings on T.V, newspaper except paid news. Not  only a common man but a well educated, mannered person who was unfurling tricolor somewhere on independence day is behaving like 'मैं और और जग और कहाँ का नाता', means i have nothing to do with this world this country I will think about me and mine only. Where have their feelings gone about this country?  The one who was talking about country and its development is trying to save the tax money today. The one who took oath not to harm and not let anyone harm this country's integrity is teaching his children to hate other religion, caste etc. Officers who were present at the ceremony took oath to serve the nation but instead could not help themselves from taking bribe.
So where is the hole? what is the malfunctioning in our system which is depriving us from being a true patriot? what are the differences between our freedom fighters and a common man which distinguish them from crowd and make them role models for many of us? I will continue from here in next post until then..... keep thinking...
                              तू पूरब का हो या पश्चिम का वासी
               तेरे दिल में हो काबा या हो काशी
               तू संसारी हो चाहे हो संन्यासी
               तू चाहे कुछ भी हो पर भूल नहीं
               तू सब कुछ पीछे पहले भारतवासी।

               उन सबकी नज़रें आज हमीं पर ठहरीं
               जिनके बलिदानों से आज़ादी आई।

               जो आग जला दे भारत की ऊँचाई,
               वह आग न जलने देना मेरे भाई।

                                                       -  रमानाथ अवस्थी

To be continued........

Sunday 7 August 2016

Bharat Ratna Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Missile man of India
A great scientist, an excellent teacher, unique human being, people's president, missile man of India etc. etc. are some of the terms used for our beloved Mr. Kalam who passed away a year ago leaving the whole country in shock. Incarnation of such souls is very rare on the earth and we are very lucky to witness the era of this great personality. Though he has left this world but his thoughts are still alive and are inspiring billions of young people not only in India but across the globe. He has contributed in technological development of India so it's time for us to give it back by fulfilling his dream of developed India by 2020. For this very purpose I am am presenting some of his best quotes to you: