Saturday 11 June 2016

5 C's That can make you a good person.

In past decades population of world has grown explosively which generated many problems like- poverty, natural resources depletion, fall in living standard of people, child labor etc. Unemployment is also one of them. Especially in developing countries like India, this problem has raised its ugly head as an obstacle in path of development. Since every recruiter knows that there is no lack of aspirants having qualification degree, so why to compromise, I should hire the best person whom I can trust, who can take the organisation to new heights. Not only in this field but in almost each and every field of life one needs a good person like- A child needs good parents who can take care of him, a student need a good teacher who can guide him on the right path, a girl need good husband with whom she can spend her life, even a corrupt politician needs a good secretary who can take care of his accounts and other stuff etc. But when it comes to us, we ask ourselves how to be a good person. So as an answer to that question I am presenting to you some qualities a good person must possess :

1Character: This is the most important of all qualities. Once Billy Graham quoted- "When money is lost, nothing is lost. When health is lost, something is lost but when character is lost everything is lost." That's the importance of a good character. Will you say a person good if in the light of the day he talks very gently to each and every one , helps poor but at night robs the people? will you say a person good if he takes care of his own children very well but does not help a poor children on the road? Will you say a person good if he does not smoke in public place but as soon as he find a secluded corner starts smoking? Absolutely NOT, because character of the person is not good. Having a good character means doing the right thing just because it is right to do what is right. Character is 'Who we are even when no one is watching.'  So having a good character insures the person in front of us that he can trust us. Once Abraham Lincoln said "Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree."

2. Courage: Here courage in not used in context of any adventures activity but I have used it to indicate that a good person has enough strength to raise voice against injustice. For example, suppose you are walking on the road and suddenly you notice that a gang of 4-5 people are beating a boy badly and instead of saving him you just ran away as you have not seen anything. That's not the right thing to do. In such situations we should ask a question to ourselves that did we react in similar way if the boy was our brother? So instead of running we should help him. Well it doesn't require to fight them alone you can either call the police or can gather people that will be enough.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."

3. Courtesy: Courtesy is showing politeness in one's attitude and behaviour towards others. In this machine age, no one wants moral language everyone just want to communicate in monetary language. A child thinks that his parents are not doing anything special for him , what they are doing is their duty, even when parents are bringing him up by more than they can afford. A student thinks that it is duty of teacher to teach so why to respect him? etc. And this leads to a terrible future where a person has no ethics, he can do anything to make profit. Thus one should has courtesy. Let me give you an example, suppose one night you get call from one of your relatives that some emergency has happened and you got to go there but you don't have any personal vehicle and in night public transport is not available. And then you see a auto-rickshaw and take it. After reaching the destination you are asked to pay a little more money due to additional night charges. In such condition you can either argue with driver or can pay him amount by considering the fact that he gave service at time when there was no other option and say him thanks for that. I can assure you that the second choice will not only make him satisfied but you will also feel happy.

4. Confidence:  Confidence is the quality that distinguishes a normal person from a successful person. Confidence can be described as one's belief in itself to perform a task. Confidence comes from feeling of well being, acceptance of one's body and mind (self-esteem) and belief in one's own ability, skills and experience. Confidence is not something that can be learned like a set of rules; confidence is a state of mind. positive thinking, knowledge and talking to other people are some ways to improve confidence. 

"What you think of yourself is much more  important than what others think of you."

5. 'Communication skills : Today biggest misconception people are having in their minds is that good communication skills means speaking fluent English. Actually as the name suggests communication skill means the skill to communicate with others, language does not matter. And it is an essential factor of a attractive personality. Suppose you are having very good knowledge of a topic but when you are asked to give a presentation on that topic you could not make people understand what you wanted to say, all your knowledge is of no worth. So you should always try to improve your communication skills.

''Let your words be purrs instead of hisses.''

                                                        THANK YOU.

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